Referent »Herr Daniele Majorana«

Herr Daniele Majorana

With over 25 years of experience, Daniele brings a wide range of expertise to international and EU tax consulting. His areas of expertise include taxation of banks, financial instruments and wealth management tools. He also specialises in tax matters related to energy, digital economy and crypto assets.
Ever since 1995, Daniele has been a tax advisor at numerous prestigious Italian law firms active in banking. Between 2006 and 2010, he was tax manager at SNAM, one of the world’s leading energy infrastructure companies. He currently serves as an independent director of financial intermediaries under the supervision of the Bank of Italy. In addition, he cooperates as a freelance with a network of independent LAW firms in the UK and the EU.
Daniele has published over 30 articles in leading business and tax trade publications. More recently, he has focused on the evolution of the EU tax framework, the tax reform of digital multinationals (Pillar 1 and 2), and the virtual economy’s taxation (blockchain, crypto activity and metaverse). In addition, he participates as a panellist at many tax conferences and webinars and is considered an expert speaker nationally and internationally.
Daniele Majorana is a registered Chartered Accountant in Milano and the UK. He is a member of IFA (International Fiscal Association), a founding member of ABI (Associazione Blockchain Italia) associate at BABEL (Blockchains and Artificial intelligence for Business, Economics and Law – University of Florence) and a member of ITKAM. Finally, Daniele is affiliated with the Catholic University of Milan as a Tax Law teaching fellow.
